Works Consulted

Artchive. Gianlorenzo Bernini. March 2009 <>.

Cipriani, Angela, ed. Bernini. Milan: SCALA, 2006.

Lavin, Irving and Gian Bernini. Drawings by Gianlorenzo Bernini. Princeton: Art Museum, Princeton University, 1981.

Marder, Tod Bernini and the Art of Architecture. New York: Abbeville Press, 1998.

Matthews, Kevin. Piazza of St. Peter's. 2008. 10 March 2009 <>.

Terminartors. Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 2009 March <>.

Wallace, Robert. The World of Bernini. New York: Time-Life Books, 1973.

Web Gallery of Art. Gian Lorenzo Bernini. March 2009 <>.

Wittkower, Rudolf. Bernini. London: Phaidon Press, 1997